2. Heimat Tourservice, Production Manager "Bosse"
“I first tested Li.LAC at the beginning of the “festival season” 2021 and then bought it straight away, as the idea and, above all, the rugged and road-ready implementation of the device convinced me straight away. When planning and implementing hygiene concepts, it is usually primarily about the audience, employees and the rooms in which they move. But the stage also offers some opportunities to improve certain processes in terms of hygiene. This is where Li.LAC comes into play. Especially with multiple speakers, moderators and singers, as is common on festival stages for example, an intermediate disinfection of the microphones definitely makes sense. But Li.LAC is also used in everyday touring, when we can disinfect the microphones between the sound check and the start of the show. The short disinfection time and the proven effectiveness complete the picture. From now on, Li.LAC will be an integral part of our tour gear.”