Filip Veirman

Filip Veirman

Cube521 theater, Luxembourg

“… It was normal to share microphones. It was normal to pass a handheld mic from one singer to the next or to pass a mic through an audience for Q&A for example. Nobody, at least in my experience, cared about hygiene or found it necessary to clean the microphone grille. Then, now over a year ago, things changed. The world went into COVID lockdown and shut down live events. When we got the OK to reopen our small 300 seat theater (the Cube521 in Marnach, Luxembourg), we started to organize everything to keep the audience and artists safe. Masks, disinfectants for the hands and for the seats, signs, plexiglas dividers, etc.

But how to disinfect a microphone?
We started using Li.LAC, a rack-mount unit that can disinfect handheld microphones and headsets in detail and fast.
Usually after line check has finished, I place the microphones into Li.LAC for disinfection. This way we can provide clean, disinfected microphones to the artists at the beginning of the show or at the beginning of rehearsal.

Li.LAC is not only a great solution for the current COVID situation but also to kill all kind of viruses and bacteria that are always around.”

Li.LAC microphone disinfector
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